Monday, March 23, 2020

Favorable Conditions, Markets in Bangladesh

Bangladesh can be considered as a rapidly emerging market pushed forward by its export industries: exports have grown by 40 % in the period from July 2010 to January 2011. This is remarkable in a time when most economies are still suffering from the effects of the global financial crisis. The main products responsible for this growth are knitwear and woven products, together responsible for over three-quarters of Bangladesh’s exports. Interestingly, the fastest growing sector in this period was shipbuilding (with almost 1,400 % growth).1 Apparel exports increased mainly because of the shift of international buyers from China to Bangladesh; due to the increasing costs of production in China, this country has a decreasing competitiveness, and significantly it is losing market to Bangladesh.2 The other opportunity that promises to strengthen Bangladesh’s position further is related to the new rules of EU’s Generalized System of Preferences (GSP), in particular the changed Rules of Origin, which are in place since the 1st of January 2011. In the frst two months of 2011 this has already resulted in a rise of exports of garment products.3 In addition, Japan is also planning to adjust its trade rules in favor of least developed countries (including Bangladesh) from April 2011.

The shift towards Bangladesh could have been much larger were it not for the energy crisis in particular the inability of the grid to meet the demand. As a result of the regular power outages potential new ventures are being deferred and private sector job creation is stalled; in addition, some reports indicate that Chinese, Taiwanese and Korean investors are delaying concrete plans to build factories in Bangladesh, especially in Export Processing Zones (EPZs), until the energy crisis is being solved, although the energy situation in EPZs is better than elsewhere.4 The government has announced plans to deal with the energy shortage on a priority basis, but progress seems slow. The political situation is currently quite stable, although the image of the country as an investment destination could be damaged if labor unrest and hartals fare up once too often.

Bangladesh as an emerging market ofers a number of favorable conditions to Dutch and other frms for doing business: it has a series of cost competitive advantages, it ofers a large domestic market and it has a strategic location near to the fastest growing economies of the world. At the same time, the main constraints will also be identifed. This chapter will be concluded with a brief indication of selected niche markets which deserve special mention..

Favorable Conditions 

Bangladesh is a cost competitive investment destination in several respects. Firstly, it offers a young, industrious workforce with the lowest wages in the region, and English is the second language after Bengla. Secondly, industrial estates, offices and housing for foreigners in the country are often cheaper than in other South and South East Asian countries. Thirdly, Bangladesh enjoys tariff-free access to the European Union (through EU’s Generalized System of Preferences, GSP), Canada, Australia and Japan. Fourthly, it has a proven export competitiveness that can be illustrated as follows:

- Bangladesh offers some of the world’s most competitive fiscal and non-fiscal investment incentives.

- Bangladesh offers the most liberal FDI regime in South Asia, allowing 100% foreign equity with unrestricted exit policy, easy remittance of royalty, and repatriation of profits and incomes.

- Bangladesh offers export-oriented industrial enclaves, Export Processing Zones (EPZ) with infrastructural facilities and logistical support for foreign investors. Bangladesh has recently embraced a more flexible and competitive economic zones regime with the enactment of the Economic Zones Act 2010 which paves the way for private economic zones.

- The Foreign Private Investment (Promotion & Protection) Act 1980 provides protection for investments made in Bangladesh

Lastly, in itself the energy prices in Bangladesh are the most competitive in the region; however, currently there is a shortage of electricity and gas supply (and a stop on new connections) which the government is trying to counter on a priority basis.

Recent international ratings are generally quite positive on Bangladesh’s economic potential (cf. Box 1.1). Also rather positive are the national indices and rankings concerning governance, gender and well being, but the rankings for Dhaka on livability, people risk and social networking are extremely low. With about 160 million inhabitants and a middle class that is rapidly growing in size compared to the other classes, there is an increasing domestic demand for example for consumer goods.

Bangladesh is strategically located near the emerging economic giants, India and China, and near to the ASEAN markets.At the same time, some economic data prompt a cautious outlook. Firstly, Bangladesh has the lowest FDI infow in South Asia (0.8% of GDP). Secondly, the country continues to add 2 million people to its labor force every year and unemployment is currently at 8% while underemployment is much higher.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Company Secretary as Independent Director

The concept of independent director (ID) remains of primary importance in protecting investors amidst a more demanding economic and regulatory environment. In Bangladesh, in particular, there is increasing recognition of the pivotal role of IDs - play in providing an independent, objective view and in balancing the interests of different stakeholders. It is not disputed that there has been an ever increasing role and importance of IDs to further strengthen the corporate governance (CG) of listed companies as they are the key to good CG. The need for quality ID is imperative particularly in light of the development of our economic globalization and recent examples of massive corporate failures which forces us effectively to play by a new set of rules to conform to globally accepted practices. That is, one that demands much greater integrity, transparency and accountability than in the past.

There have been substantial changes concerning CG rules, although each jurisdiction may emphasise different aspects of CG after taking into account the special features in its local community but one thing is certain across all jurisdictions: the increasing burden placed upon IDs of listed companies. Bangladesh is also not an exception to this. There have been significant changes in the Guidelines on Corporate Governance Practices and the introduction of the ID is one of them. The present revised Corporate Governance Guideline – ‘Comply basi's’ (BSEC, 3rd July, 2012) replaced the former Guideline of Corporate Governance – ‘Comply or explain basis’ (BSEC, 20th February, 2006). This recent change to the CG Guideline is evidence of the growing significance of independent directors to act as not only valuable strategic advisers in providing to the board valuable knowledge, expertise and experience but also corporate guardians of shareholders’ interests.

Independent directors’ requirement is gaining increasing significance and importance. The statutory framework exists with regard to appointment of ‘Independent Directors’. Such framework also prescribes certain qualifications and attributes to IDs that should be understood in the right perspective. However, boards of listed companies in Bangladesh are facing extreme snag on how to identify the right one as ID apart from how increasing demand for IDs will be met. Keeping this perspective in mind, one should consider the role of company/chartered secretaries (CS) as ‘independent directors’. How company/ chartered secretaries, by virtue of their knowledge and training is eminently to fit in the role of independent directors, is portrayed hereunder.

The Profile of a Company Secretary 

CS has important fiduciary and company law responsibilities. The CS is the nodal point for the Board to get feedback on the status of compliance by the organization in regard to provisions of the company law, listing agreements, BSEC regulations, shareholder grievances, etc. CS occupies a pivotal position in ensuring that their companies function in certain critical areas and such functions are value based. While accounting could be properly described as a mirror reflecting the entire face of the company and auditing could be considered as the function that adds credibility to what are stated in the financial statements. CS should function as conscience keepers. It is this role that would earn them an enviable position. It depends on individuals. It depends on his or her vision, the length and breadth of his or her profile, preparedness, presence of mind and involvement. So, it is very clearly that within an organization, a CS plays an important role, which is unique in nature. However, this is not the role that a CS as an ‘Independent Director’ is expected to do. ‘Independent Directorship’ is a different cup of tea. It is important to know what is expected of ‘Independent Directors’. This will help CS to cause a substantial shift in their role to become ‘Independent Directors’.

Company Secretaries as ‘Independent Directors’

According to BSEC Guideline, independent director shall be a knowledgeable individual with integrity who is able to ensure compliance with financial, regulatory and corporate laws and can make meaningful contribution to business [Condition 3.1 (i)]. The person should be a business leader/ corporate leader/ bureaucrat/ university teacher with economics or business Studies or law background/ professionals like Chartered Accountants, Cost & Management Accountants, Chartered Secretaries. The independent director must have at least 12 (twelve) years of corporate management/ professional experiences [Condition 3.1 (ii)]. In special cases, the above qualifications may be relaxed subject to prior approval of the Commission [Condition 3.1 (iii)].

Independence is a state of mind and it could change from time to time. In this perspective one has to see whether CS could add value to a company as its ‘Independent Directors’. While occupying the position of an ‘independent director’, a CS should not attempt to leverage his professional achievements to obtain any assignment for his firm or any entity in which is he is interested. He must understand that he should be able to speak out what he thinks about an arrangement. If he looks up to the company or its promoters or managers for favours, he cannot be independent in the true sense of the word. Experienced CS, will certainly have an edge over others. An experienced CS carries with him enormous amount of knowledge. In view of the position he would have occupied in his career as a CS of any large enterprise, he would have become so matured to understand not only what is obvious but also what is not obviously revealed. A CS has the unique distinction of having the required skills to analyze and understand the real import of an arrangement or transaction or proposal. A CS would be the best-suited person to keep his observations on the one side and consider the objectives and perspectives of the proposals or arrangements on the other side and consider them in the light of the letter and spirit of the applicable regulatory framework. He will be able to not only assist the Board in its decision making process but also add value. The ability of CS to understand the growing complexities of modern day business, their co-coordinating skill sets would help them become lead ‘Independent Directors’. As conscience keepers, Company Secretaries become the befitting professionals to lead as ‘Lead Independent Directors’.


Following the implementation of the revised CG Guideline, the independent directors are expected to play more important roles and have more responsibilities, as evidenced by their representation in the different board committees which are required or recommended to be set up, as the case may be. In an attempt to advance the pivotal role of independent director in CG, representation of company/chartered secretary as ID on board will definitely aid in improving the standards of CG. Besides the apparent benefits, the presence of company/chartered secretary (as ID) will strengthen the hands of the CEO in resisting the usual pulls and pressures to which the entities are subject to. Company/chartered secretaries who have the ability to visualize the complete ramifications of any arrangement or proposal or transaction would be able to function effectively. As ‘Independent Directorship’ is a coveted post, original application of mind is needed to occupy such positions. One must understand the nature of the job and train his thoughts accordingly. In order to be ‘independent directors’, company/chartered secretary have to be courageous and confident and their approach should be broad.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Money Laundering Regulations

In line with international initiatives and standards, Bangladesh promulgated the Money Laundering Prevention Act (MLPA), 2002. Subsequently, MLPA, 2009 was enacted to expand the definition of money laundering and coverage of the offence. To strengthen the AML/CFT regime of Bangladesh and meet the international standards, MLPA, 2012 was promulgated repealing the MLPA, 2009 and Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA), 2009 as amended in 2012 and 2013. Both Acts have empowered Bangladesh Bank (BB), thus Bangladesh Financial Intelligence Unit (BFIU) to perform an anchor role in combating money laundering and terrorist financing.

According to section  25 (2) of MLPA, 2012, if any reporting organisation violates the directions mentioned in sub-section (1) of section 25 of MLPA, 2012, Bangladesh Bank may impose a fine of at least BDT50,000 but not exceeding BDT2,500,000 on the reporting organisations. Additionally, Bangladesh Bank may cancel the license or the authorisation for carrying out commercial activities of the said organisation or any of its branches, service centres, booths or agents. Alternatively, the Central Bank shall inform the corresponding registration or licensing authority about the violation for the relevant authority to take appropriate measures against the organisation.

Exchange Controls in Bangladesh

Bangladesh operates an exchange controlled economy under the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1947. All inward and outward remittances are regulated by the Central Bank of Bangladesh (that is, Bangladesh Bank). Foreign investor rights are protected under the Foreign Private Investment (Promotion   and Protection) Act, 1980 which ensures legal protection against nationalisation and expropriation. It also guarantees non-discriminatory treatment between foreign and local investment, and repatriation of proceeds from sales of shares and profits. Bangladesh Bank has outlined relevant procedures and formalities for all inward and outward remittance in its Guidelines for Foreign Exchange Transaction. The Guidelines cover the procedures for, among others:

• Foreign dealings in securities

• Remittance of royalty/technical assistance fees

• Foreign ownership

• Mergers and acquisitions

• Divestments

• Remittance of profit, dividends, capital gains

• Foreign and local borrowings

• Retention quota of exporters

Any transaction that has not been outlined in the Guidelines for Foreign Exchange Transactions must obtain specific approval from the Bangladesh Bank.

Bangladeshi ‘Taka’ (BDT) is convertible for current external transactions. Individuals or firms resident in Bangladesh may conduct all current external transactions, including trade and investment related transactions, through banks in Bangladesh authorised to deal in foreign exchange (Authorised Dealers) without prior approval from Bangladesh Bank.

Similarly, non-resident direct investment in industrial enterprise and non-resident portfolio investment through stock exchanges do not require prior approval of the Bangladesh Bank.

Remittance of post-tax dividends or profits on non-resident direct or portfolio investment does not require prior approval. Sales proceeds, including capital gains on non-resident portfolio investment, may also be remitted abroad without prior approval.

Prior approval from Bangladesh Bank is required for the repatriation of sale proceeds of non-resident equity investment in public limited companies that are not listed on the stock exchange, and private limited companies. In determining the repatriable amount, Bangladesh Bank works out the net asset value of the shares on the basis of audited financial statements as on the date of the sale and the net asset value is thus calculated is considered repatriable.

Overview of Various Taxes and Duties

Corporate Income Tax is discussed in our earlier post. 

Personal Income Tax (PIT) 

Income tax provisions can be found in the Income Tax Ordinance 1984, the Income Tax Rules 1984 and all relevant notifications under the Ordinance. In addition to payment of tax at a specified rates, an individual is supposed to pay a surcharge if he/she has net wealth exceeding BDT22.5 million as shown in the statement of assets and liabilities. The surcharge is calculated on the amount of tax payable after deduction of investment rebate. An individual that has net wealth exceeding BDT22.5 million shall pay a surcharge.

Value Added Tax 

VAT is imposed on goods and services at the stages of import, manufacturing, supply, and trading. VAT is imposed on services provided in Bangladesh and also on the services rendered from outside Bangladesh. A uniform VAT rate of 15 per cent is applicable for both goods and services. A registered VAT taxpayer is entitled to claim back the VAT paid on purchase of inputs subject to compliance with the provisions of VAT laws. 15 per cent VAT is applicable for all business or industrial units with an annual turnover of BDT8,000,000 and above, except in the cases specified in VAT laws. Turnover tax at the rate of three per cent is levied where annual turnover is less than BDT8,000,000. Truncated rate also applies in the cases specified by VAT laws which have been determined on the basis of assumed percentage of value addition. A taxpayer paying VAT at the truncated rate will not be entitled to claim input VAT rebate. Under the 2015-16 budget, the tax is reduced to 0.1 per cent of turnover for the first three years for industrial undertakin.

Supplementary Duty (SD) is applicable as per the 3rd Schedule of the VAT Act, 1991, at the rates specified for particular goods or services. Exemption of VAT or imposition of VAT at zero per cent is regulated by Section 3 (Export or Deemed Export), Section 14 (goods/service declared by the government), 1st and 2nd Schedule of the VAT Act, 1991

Customs duty

Bangladesh levies customs duty on imports using the Harmonised Tariff System for tariff classification. Imports are generally taxed at the following rates, unless specifically exempted:

• Capital machinery: one per cent

• Basic raw materials: five per cent

• Intermediate raw materials and semi-finished products: 10 per cent

• Finished products: 25 per cent

Exports are generally exempt from customs duties

Supplementary Duty

Supplementary duty is levied on luxury goods imported into Bangladesh as well as non-essential or socially undesirable goods produced and supplied in the country. The rates vary from 10 to 500 per cent depending on the nature of the goods.

Foreign Direct Investment Policy

Its a liberal investment policy, there are very few restrictions on foreign ownership of businesses or property in Bangladesh.

FDI comprises an overwhelming part of the economy of Bangladesh in its contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), export and domestic investment as well as overall economic growth. FDI inflows have traditionally been in the form of equity, reinvestment and intra-organisation acquisitions. While there are generally very few restrictions on FDI, private sector investment is prohibited in the following sectors: arms and ammunition, defence, forest plantation, extraction of reserved forests, nuclear energy, security printing and mining.

Furthermore, the following sectors will require investors to obtain licenses before they are able to commence business: banking, finance, insurance, telecommunications, aviation and broadcasting. Foreign investors that wish to acquire stakes in local companies will need to obtain approval from the Bangladesh Bank if the control of the business is subsequently transferred to foreign shareholders.

Government incentives

Alongside the incentives outlined in the tax section, the government provides cash assistance and other incentives for doing business in Bangladesh in certain export-oriented industries. Cash incentives are available in the following sectors, with different cash incentive rates:

• Textile

• Agro products

• Bicycle

• Crashed bone

• Poultry

• Light engineering products

• Liquid glucose used in agro product

• 100 per cent Halal meat

• Frozen shrimp & other fish

• Leather

• Ship export

• Finished leather

• Crushed leather

• Plastic pet bottle

• Jute products


Bangladesh’s imports mostly comprise petroleum and oil (11 per cent of the total imports), textile (10 per cent) and food items (nine per cent). The import regime comprises: a banned list, a restricted list, freely importable items and certification requirements for all food products. All other permitted imports require a Letter of Credit Authorisation to be completed.

The Financial System of Bangladesh

The financial system of Bangladesh is comprised of three broad fragmented sectors:

• Formal sector

• Semi-formal sector

• Informal sector

The sectors have been categorised in accordance with their degree of regulation. The formal sector includes all regulated institutions, such as banks, non-bank financial institutions (FIs), insurance companies, capital market intermediaries such as brokerage houses, merchant banks and micro finance institutions (MFIs).

The semi-formal sector includes those institutions which are regulated but do not fall under the jurisdiction of the Central Bank, Insurance Authority, Securities and Exchange Commission or any other enacted financial regulator. This sector is mainly represented by specialised financial institutions, such as House Building Finance Corporation (HBFC), Palli Karma Sahayak Foundation (PKSF), Samabay Bank, Grameen Bank, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and discrete government programs.

The informal sector includes private intermediaries which are completely unregulated.

Capital markets

The Bangladesh Securities Exchange Commission (BSEC) is the primary regulator for all activities of the bourses and its members. The BSEC is a ‘Category A’ member of International Organisation of Securities Commission (IOSCO).

 With over 300 listed companies, the capital market of Bangladesh s considered to be one of the emerging markets in the context of the global financial system. The market has immense potential for the country’s industrialisation, development of infrastructure, in particular, and economic growth in general.

Bangladesh’s capital markets comprise the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) and the Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE), incorporated in 1954 and 1995, respectively. Some of main features of the market are as follows:

• Both Dhaka and Chittagong Stock Exchanges are members of South Asian Federation of Exchanges (SAFE), a forum in South Asia to promote the development of securities markets in the region

• Automated trading facilities have been available at both bourses since 1998

• The Central Depository Bangladesh Limited (CDBL) introduced its first electronic book entry in 2004 • Market intermediaries include 250 Trading Right Entitlement Certificate (TREC) holders of Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE), 135 TREC holders of Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE), 55 registered merchant banks, 17 asset management companies, and 10 custodians

Banking system

The banking system of Bangladesh consists of Bangladesh Bank (BB) as the Central Bank, six state owned commercial banks (SCB), two specialised banks (SDBs), 39 private commercial banks (PCBs) of which 31 are commercial PCBs, eight Islamic Sharia-based PCBs, nine foreign commercial banks (FCBs) and four non-scheduled banks.

Bangladesh Bank, as the central bank, has legal authority to supervise and regulate all banks and non-bank financial institutions. It performs the traditional central banking roles of note issuance and of being the banker to the government and banks. Given some broad policy goals and objectives, it formulates and implements monetary policy, manages foreign exchange reserves and implements prudential regulations and conducts monitoring thereof as they are applied to the entire banking system. Its prudential regulations include, among others: minimum capital requirements, limits on loan concentration and insider borrowing and guidelines for asset classification and income recognition. Bangladesh Bank has the power to impose penalties for non-compliance and also to intervene in the management of a bank if serious problems arise. It also has the delegated authority of issuing policy directives regarding the foreign exchange regime.

Under the financial sector reform program, a flexible interest policy was formulated. According to that, banks are free to charge/fix their deposit and lending rates, other than those related to export credit. Banks can differentiate interest rates up to three per cent. With progressive deregulation of interest rates, banks have been advised to announce the mid-rate of the limit (if any) for different sectors and the banks may charge interest 1.5 per cent more or less than the announced mid-rate on the basis of the comparative credit risk. Banks upload their deposit and lending interest rate to their respective website.

Insurance industry  

The insurance sector is regulated by the Insurance Act, 2010. The Insurance Development and Regulatory Authority (IDRA) was instituted on 26 January 2011 as the regulator of the insurance industry being empowered by Insurance Development and Regulatory Act, 2010 by replacing its predecessor, Chief Controller of Insurance. General insurance is provided by 45 companies and life insurance is provided by 30 companies. The industry is dominated by the two large, state-owned companies: SBC for general insurance and JBC for life insurance, which together command most of the total assets of the insurance sector

Investment management industry

Bangladesh’s asset management industry is very immature. Nevertheless, a stable economic outlook, political stability and growing population have attracted a number of global fund managers. The primary regulator for the industry is the BSEC which has, so far, licensed 17 asset management companies in the country. The asset management companies manage approximately BDT50 billion, comprising less than three per cent of the total market capitalisation. Asset management companies are authorised to act as issue and portfolio managers of the mutual funds which are issued under the SEC (Mutual Fund) Rules 2001.