In Bangladesh, employment
is regulated by the contractual
agreement between employer and
employee. Other than the contract,
the Bangladesh Labour Act 2006 (as
amended in 2013) and Bangladesh
Labour Rules 2015 govern the
employment of ‘workers’. ‘Worker’
is defined under Section 2(65) of
the Bangladesh Labour Act 2006
to mean “any person including
an apprentice employed in any
establishment or industry, either
directly or through a contractor in whatever name referred to, to
do any skilled, unskilled, manual,
technical, trade promotional or
clerical work for hire or reward,
whether the terms of employment
be expressed or implied, but
does not include a person
employed mainly in a managerial
or administrative, supervisory role
or managerial capacity.” The main
issues covered in the Act include:
• Conditions of service and
• Employment of adolescents
• Provisions relating to health,
• Employee welfare
• Working hours and leave
• Wages and payment
• Wages boards
• Workers compensation for injury
by accident
• Trade union and industrial relations
• Disputes, labour court, labour
• Tribunals, legal proceedings
• Workers participation in
companies’ profits
• Regulation of employment and
safety of dock workers
• Provident funds
• Apprenticeship
• Penalties and procedure
Moreover, as per the Bangladesh
Labour Act 2006, organisations
which do not fall within the scope of
the Act, cannot have any employee
rules, regulations and benefits less
favourable than those provided
under the Act. Under the Bangladesh Labour Act
2006, read with Bangladesh Labour
Rules 2015, any contracting agency
which, on contract, supplies workers
to different organisations in different
posts has to obtain a license from
the Chief Inspector.
Employment contract
In Bangladesh, a letter of
appointment is mandatory in the
absence of a written contract.
The terms of the contract are
binding between the employee and
employer, providing they do not
contravene the provisions of the
Labour Act.
Typically, the letter of appointment
or written contract will include:
• Working hours
• Salary
• Role title
• Nature of work
• Working time and leave
• Procedures for dismissal
Minimum wage
Wages and benefits of
public sector employees are,
determined by the government
on recommendation from the Pay
Service Commission. For the private
sector, in certain sectors such as for
workers in trade and industry the
government through the Minimum
Wages Board fixes the minimum
wages. Otherwise, there is no
regulatory body for the private
sector to determine the wages
and benefits.
On 5 December 2013, the
government of Bangladesh
issued the Gazette on Minimum
Wages which defined a new
wage structure for the readymade
garment (RMG) industry with an
increase of the gross monthly
minimum wage from BDT3,000 to
BDT5,300. No increases have been
announced since.
Working time and leave
As per the Bangladesh Labour Act
2006 (amended in 2013), no adult
shall ordinarily be required or allowed
to work in an establishment for more
than eight hours in any day and more
than 48 hours in any week.
No women shall, without her
consent, be allowed to work in an
establishment between the hours
of 10.00 PM and 6.00 AM. Consent
must be given in a prescribed form,
as per the Bangladesh Labour Rules
Where an employee works in an establishment on any day or week
for more than the hours fixed under
Bangladesh Labour Act 2006, he
shall, in respect of overtime worked,
be entitled to an allowance at the
rate of twice his ordinary rate of
basic wage and dearness allowance
and ad-hoc or interim pay, if any
The Bangladesh Labour Act 2006
(as amended in 2013) stipulates
that any worker employed in a
shop, commercial establishment or
industrial establishment is entitled
to one and a half days of rest per
working week. Those employed
in a factory are entitled to one day.
Those employed in an establishment
which is a road transport service are entitled to 24 consecutive hours
of rest in each working week.
This should not have any effect on
wage allowances.
Annual leave
As per Bangladesh Labour Act
2006 (amended in 2013), every
adult, who has completed one
year of continuous service in an
establishment, shall be allowed
fully paid annual leave calculated
as follows:
• In the case of a shop or commercial or industrial
establishment or factory or road
transport service, one day for
every 18 days of work
• In the case of a tea plantation, one
day for every 22 days of work
• In the case of a newspaper
worker, one day for every 11 days
of work
Healthcare and benefits
Large local and multinational
companies typically provide
employees with private health
care, car facilities, subsidised meals
and other fringe benefits.
Employers must also pay
compensation to employees who
suffer a personal injury arising
out of and in the course of his
Most of the companies in Bangladesh provide provident and
gratuity benefits to permanent employees. Provident funds
are generally built through the
contribution of both the employees
and employers. Provident funds for
‘workers’ within the meaning of the
Bangladesh Labour Act 2006 have
to be as per the requirements set
out in the said Act.
Maternity benefit
A woman is entitled to maternity
leave of eight weeks before and
eight weeks after the delivery
provided she has worked with the
employer for a minimum of six
months prior to the delivery. No maternity benefit shall be payable
to any woman if at the time of her
confinement she has two or more
surviving children. However, she
will get leave if she is entitled to
sick and/or annual leave. Thereafter,
if further leave is required, the
employer can grant further leave
without pay. A government female
employee is entitled to maternity
leave of six months, twice during
her job-life.
The maximum probationary period
in Bangladesh is six months for
workers operating in a role of a
clerical nature and three months
for other workers. The period of
probation for skilled workers can be extended by an additional three
months if it has not been possible
to determine the quality of the work
within the first three months.
The termination of employment
contracts can be done through
discretionary termination, discharge,
disciplinary termination or collective
Typically, to terminate a permanent
employment contract unilaterally,
a period of notice must be given.
The employer must give 120 days’ notice, while the employee
is required to give only 60 days’
notice. The period is shortened for
temporary workers, whereby both
employee and employer must only
give 30 days’ notice.
Notice does not need to be given in
the case of disciplinary termination
on the basis of conviction for
a criminal offence. For other
disciplinary reasons, eg theft, fraud,
habitual late attendance, negligent
work or disorderly behaviour, the
employee is given seven days
to justify his misconduct. If the
employee is unsuccessful in this,
the employer is then obliged to call a hearing to determine whether the
employee should be dismissed.
Social security
Employees in Bangladesh are not
obliged to contribute towards any
social security funds. Companies
satisfying the criteria set out in the
Bangladesh Labour Act 2006 (as
amended in 2013) must pay five per
cent of their profits into a Workers
Profit Participation Fund which is
provided to all employees except
those who are the owner, partner
or directors who have been in
employment with the said employer
for a minimum of nine months.
Employment of non-resident :
Non-residents require a work permit
to take up employment contracts
in Bangladesh. This is subject
to a number of conditions. Only
residents of countries specified
by the Bangladesh government
can apply for work permits.
Furthermore, employers cannot
employ expatriates if there is a local
expert available for the position. The
number of expatriate employees in
an industrial enterprise should not
exceed 1:20 (foreign: local) ratio at
any time during regular production.
The ratio for commercial offices is
1:5 (foreign: local).
Prospective employers Prospective employers must be
registered with the appropriate
authorities (BOI) before they can
employ expatriates. An initial work
permit can be obtained for two
years; this may be extended as
reviewed by the relevant authorities.
To obtain a work permit, the
prospective employer must file
an application with the Board
of Investment for an E-visa
recommendation. Once received,
the Bangladesh Embassy provides
the employee with an e-visa which
lasts three months. Once the
individual arrives in Bangladesh,
the employer must apply to the
BOI for the work permit on behalf
of the expatriate. This application will be filed alongside a number of documents, including: copy of the
employer’s incorporation certificate,
board resolution for the position of
employment, contract, a copy of the
advertisement for local recruitment
and an encashment certificate of
inward remittance of a minimum
of USD50,000.
Trade unions
The Bangladesh Labour Act 2006
(amended in 2013) contains a
number of provisions regarding the
establishment of trade unions.
Employees have the right to join and
form a trade union primarily for the
purpose of regulating the relations
between employees and employers
or between employees themselves. Employers shall have the right to
form a trade union to regulate the
relations between employers and
workers or between employers.
They are also free to join any trade
unions of their choice.
Trade unions of employees and
employers shall have the right to
form and join federations and any
such union and federation shall
have the right to affiliate with any
international organisation and
confederation of employees’ or
employers’ organisation.
Trade unions and employers’
associations shall have the right
to draw up their constitutions and
rules, to elect their representatives
in full freedom, to organise their
administration and activities and to
formulate their programmes.
An application for the registration
of a trade union shall be made
to the Registrar of Trade Unions
of the relevant area. A trade
union of workers shall not be
entitled to registration unless
it has a minimum membership
of 30 per cent of the total
number of employees working
in the establishment in which it
is formed.